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Ruskin Elementary School

Ruskin Elementary School


Recommended Sites for Elementary School Childrenikeepsafe iKeepSafe logo
These sites were chosen to provide students with information to complete classroom assignments or pursue personal interests. They are dedicated directories that provide a safe way to do research for elementary school students. They are classified by directories and not by individual subjects. This classification allows students to practice the research skills they learn at school. You will also find a few shortcut links to specialized sites that our teachers and parents find useful.

"A Great Site Shares Meaningful and Useful Content that Educates, Informs, or Entertains." [ALASC]

Closest Public Library to our school.
Card Holders can put books on hold
on-line. Information on "Live Homework Help" and Tutors on-line, and other events at our neighborhood Berryessa branch.
Card Holders can put books on hold on-line. Information on "Live Homework Help" and Tutors on-line, and other events at our neighborhood Santa Clara County Public Library, Milpitas branch.
My Ed-Zone
a one-stop resource site for Silicon Valley educators and students from the Santa Clara County Office of Education.
Find research tools and curriculum resources . Improve student engagement and achievement. Get standards-aligned content services.
login: rustudent
password: type same password you use at Ruskin
American Library Association's Great Web Sites for Kids are currently maintained and updated by the American Library Services for Children Great Web Sites Committee.
Internet Public Library. The Internet Public Library is a public service organization and a learning/teaching
environment at the University of Michigan School of Information. IPL Recognized in 2002 Computerworld Honors Program
Fact Monster logo
Find homework help, reference, games, quizzes.
Palindromes, On the Day You Were Born.


A Learning website for Kids


An illustration of a book
Environmental Literacy Council: A non profit organization helping teachers and students understand ecosystems and make good decisions for our future.
"Kids against Bullying" PACER Center is a parent center for families of children and young adults with all disabilities—physical, mental, learning, and emotional. Located in Minneapolis, Minnesota, its mission is to expand opportunities and enhance the quality of life of children and young adults with disabilities and their families, based on the concept of parents helping parents.
Math Forum Math On-line

National Geographic Kids