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Ruskin Elementary School

Ruskin Elementary School

School Site Council

What is the School Site Council?

What is the School Site Council?

The School Site Council (SSC) is made up of parents, community members, and school staff. It meets at the school once a month in the evening for about 1.5 hours. Its primary function is to carry out the legislative requirements of a school site council, which include:

  • Develop and approve the School Site Plan, a comprehensive plan designated to improve the effectiveness of the school program
  • Allocate funds for School Improvement (SIP) and Economic Impact Aid/Limited English Proficiency (EIA/LEP)
  • Advise on other compensatory/categorical education funds that the school receives
  • Annually review the School Site Plan, establish a new budget, and if necessary, make other modifications in the plan to reflect changing needs and priorities
  • Recommend the approval of the revised School Site Plan to the District Governing Board
  • Meet on a regular basis to share information, discuss needs and successes, and plan program improvements
  • Participate as necessary in Coordinate Compliance Reviews (CCR)
  • Develop systems for ongoing communication with parents, community members, the school staff, and the District (each elected member serves a two-year term)


Being a member of the SSC is a great opportunity to become involved in a meaningful way with your child's school! 



2023 Single Plan for Student Acheivement