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Ruskin Elementary School

Ruskin Elementary School

About Us

Welcome to Our Website

Welcome to Our Website

We are dedicated to making our website a useful tool for you as an information portal that explains our policies, advises you of relevant dates, and allows you to save time by printing necessary forms and documents at home.

Ruskin School is located in the heart of Silicon Valley, nestled against the northeast foothills in San Jose, California. The school  serves a community of approximately 650 students enrolled in Kindergarten through fifth grade.  We have a staff of 45 certificated and classified employees .

Challenging educational programs, standards-based curriculum, and a strong commitment to excellence produce high pupil achievement are what we strive to provide. Our pupils master relevant skills and consistently score above average on state and national tests. Most later attend Sierramont Middle School and Piedmont Hills High School in the East Side Union High School District.
Representing a beautiful spectrum of ethnic and cultural backgrounds, Ruskin pupils experience a well-coordinated curriculum that reflects the commitment to helping English learners, develop multicultural understanding and work toward the overall development of the intellect. Additionally, our local middle school programs include specialized programs in music, art, and preventive guidance.
Our Mission

Our Mission

Ruskin School, together with students, parents, and community members, will strive to ensure that all students have the skills
necessary to reach high levels of academic achievement, respect self and others, and become lifelong learners as successful,
productive, and responsible citizens.