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California department of education

The Berryessa District Advisory Committee shall make recommendations on accountability to the Board of Education.

The areas of study by the B.D.AC. shall be cooperatively determined annually by the committee and the Board of Education.
Each school's Site Council shall select a parent representative for the B.D.AC. Additional membershipof the B.D.AC. shall consist of one teacher, one school administrator, and one local business person.

Board Policy 1200

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Berryessa District Advisory Council

In recognition that parental and staff support is a major source of strength for public education in the Berryessa Union School District, the Board of Trustees hereby establishes Berryessa District Advisory Council.

The Berryessa District Advisory Council shall be advisory to the Superintendent. The Council shall be responsible for collecting and analyzing data, studying district procedures, reviewing policy and position papers and the proposed District budget, and, in consultation with the Superintendent, making recommendations to the Board of Trustees. The Council will promote communication between the individual school site councils, other advisory councils, and among all advisory councils and the Superintendent. All actions and activities of the Council shall be consistent with Board Policy, Administrative Guidelines, the Education Code, and Title V of the California Administrative Code. Council members shall have no authority as individuals, and all actions must represent the official opinion of the Council.

    The voting membership of the Berryessa District Advisory Council will be selected as follows:
    • One elected community member from each of the thirteen school site councils, who is not an employee of the school he/she represents.
    • One school site administrator, appointed by the Superintendent.
    • One community member from each of the other advisory councils established by the Board of Trustees, elected    by therespective advisory council. The Superintendent maintains the list of these advisory councils.
    • Up to three certificated employees, appointed by the President of the California Teachers' Association of Berryessa.
    • Up to two classified employees, appointed by the leadership of the classified employee group(s).
    • One community member from each independent beneficial foundation or organization that operates for the primary benefit of the Berryessa Union School District and students,appointed by the leadership of the foundation or organization. The Superintendent maintains the list of these foundations and organizations
    • One community member from each organization that has a long-term use agreement for district school facilities, appointed by the leadership of the organization. The Superintendent maintains the list of these organizations
    • Up to three community members-at-large who do not represent a specific organization, appointed by the Superintendent.

BP 1200

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The term of membership shall be one year, from October through September. The Superintendent

or designee shall be Executive Secretary to the Council. The Berryessa District Advisory Council

shall adopt by-laws that identify the frequency of reports to the Board of Trustees, the selection of

officers, and operational procedures.

Legal Reference: California Education Code

California Administrative Code, Title V

Policy Adopted: February 28, 1980

Revised Policy Adopted May 22, 1980

Revised Policy Adopted: July 9, 1981

Revised Policy Adopted: January 14, 1982

Revised Policy Adopted: March 27, 1986

Revised Policy Adopted: October 9, 1986

Revised Policy Adopted: December 10, 1991

Revised Policy Adopted: March 11, 1997

Revised Policy Adopted: February 11, 2003